Politically Insane

The christian right has gone far enough. Now it's time for the real American voice.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Congress Passes Budget

Of course the day after I praise Bush for his statements last night Republicans turn around and cut several billion dollars from education and add $50 billion to military operations and again cut medicaid.

So for 2006 we will again lose more schools, teachers, have more health problems... but we sure as hell scare other countries. Woopity doo dah.

Bush's Evening Press Conference

Today Bush had a rare evening press conference. It was quite interesting to say the least and very surprising, at least to me. He spoke of the Iraq war, energy crisis and Social Security.

To some surprise he finally stated that he wished to push forward his Energy Bill through the Senate as quick as possible. It will help the United States become less dependant on foreign oil and later, definately no time soon, lower gas prices.

The only beef I have about this is the drilling in Alaska. If it weren't for that the bill would seem promising. I am all for nuclear power, biodiesel and advancing technology for hydrogen power, but as for drilling for more oil? No way. Expecially not in a wildlife area.

I do have to hand this one to Bush though, it's more than what I expected.