Ukraine Closer to Justice, Democracy and Freedom
Earlier today Ukraine's Supreme Court ruled for a new run-off Election. Both candidates agreed that significant fraud had occurred, however President Kuchma wanted a new Election while Yushchenko and his supporters favored a new run-off.
It is believed Kuchma sought after a new election instead of run-off in hopes of replacing Yushchenko with another candidate.
Supporters of Yushchenko gathered in Kiev’s main square shaking fists and waving Ukraine’s blue-and-yellow flag. As the ruling arrived the crowd started singing the National Anthem.
Later Yushchenko gave a speech to his supporters saying "Today Ukraine has turned to justice, democracy and freedom… It happened thanks to you."
Afterwards, both Poland and America were worried about the days to come. Insisting the election be held quickly and swiftly to avoid demonstrations of violence across the nation.
Source: Ukraine Court Orders New Run-Off Election
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